
  1. Joint Statistical Meetings, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. August 5-10, 2023.
    Economic design of two stage control charts with skewed and dependent measurements)
  2. 11th International Conference on Extreme Value Analysis, Zagreb, Croatia. July 1-5, 2019. (Characterizations based on regression assumptions of order statistics from overlapping samples)
  3. 12th International Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics and 2018 IMS Annual Meeting on Probability and Statistics, Vilnius, Lithuania. July 2-6, 2018. (Adaptive control charts for skew-normal distribution)
  4. The 31st European Meeting of Statisticians, Helsinki, Finland. July 24-28, 2017. (Economic design of two-stage control charts with bivariate skew-normal measurements)
  5. The 22nd International Conference on Computational Statistics, Oviedo, Spain. August 23-26, 2016. (Economic design of two-stage control charts with asymmetric and dependent measurements)── Invited
  6. The 30th European Meeting of Statisticians, AmsterdamJuly 6-10, 2015. (with Wan-Ping Hung, Characterizations of the geometric distribution via residual lifetime
  7. The International Conference on Trends and Perspectives in Linear Statistical Inference (LinStat2014), Linköping, Sweden. August 24-28, 2014.
    (with Arjun K. Gupta, On some sampling distributions for skew normal population)
  8. The 29th European Meeting of Statisticians, Budapest, Hungary. July 20-25, 2013.
    with Wen-Jang Huang, A study of generalized normal distributions) 
  9. Joint Statistical Meetings, San Diego, California, USA. July 28-August 2, 2012.
    with Sheng-Mao Chang and Chung-I Li, On some study of skew-normal-uniform distribution)
  10. Joint Statistical Meetings, Miami Beach, Florida, USA. July 30-August 4, 2011.
    (with Wen-Jang Huang and Hui-Yi Teng, On some study of skew-t distributions)
  11. The 28th European Meeting of Statisticians, Piraeus, Greece. August 17-22, 2010.
    (with Wen-Jang Huang, A study of generalized skew-normal distribution) 
  12. The 7th World Congress in Probability and Statistics, jointly sponsored by the Bernoulli Society and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Singapore. July 14-19, 2008.
    (with Wen-Jang Huang, A study of generalized skew-normal distribution)

  1. 30th南區統計研討會, 逢甲大學, 110.7.28-29.── Invited
    (A study on improvement of coefficient of variation control chart)
  2. 2021統計學門研究成果發表會, 錄影發表, 臺灣大學/梅峰農場, 110.1.28-29.
    (A study on improvement of coefficient of variation control chart)
  3. 29th南區統計研討會, 中正大學, 109.8.20-21. ── Invited
    (A study on improvement of coefficient of variation control chart)
  4. 15th海峽兩岸應用統計學術研討會, 成功大學, 108.4.27-28.  ── Invited
    (Adaptive control charts for skew-normal distribution)
  5. 2019統計學門研究成果發表會, 成功大學/走馬瀨農場, 108.2.15-16.
    (Adaptive control charts for skew-normal distribution)
  6. 13th海峽兩岸應用統計學術研討會, 東海大學、逢甲大學, 106.4.23-24.  ── Invited(Economic design of two stage control charts with bivariate skew normal measurements)
  7. 2017統計學門研究成果發表會, 中興大學/惠蓀林場, 106.2.7-8.
    (On some sampling distributions for skew normal population and its applications)
  8. 2016統計學術研討會, 政治大學, 105.12.9-10. ── Invited
    (Economic design of two-stage control charts with bivariate skew-normal measurements)
  9. 第十屆海峽兩岸統計與概率研討會, 成都, 105.8.11-13.  ── Invited
    (Economic design of two-stage control charts with bivariate measurements)
  10. 2015數學年會, 高雄大學, 104.12.19-20. ── Invited
    (Economic design of two-stage control charts with skewed and dependent measurements)
  11. 24th南區統計研討會, 彰化師範大學, 104.6,27-28. ── Invited
    (Characterizations of the geometric distribution via residual lifetime )
  12. 23th南區統計研討會, 東華大學, 103.6.27-28. ── Invited
    (On some sampling distributions for skew normal population)
  13. 統計薪傳學術研討會, 高雄大學, 103.5.31. ── Invited
    (A review on characterizations of distributions and related issues)
  14. 9th海峽兩岸機率與統計學術研討會, 逢甲大學、中興大學, 103.5.16-18. ── Invited
    (On some sampling distribution for skew normal population and its applications)
  15. 22th南區統計研討會, 高雄大學, 102.6.28-29. ── Invited
    (A study of generalized normal distributions)
  16. 20th南區統計研討會, 中正大學, 100.6.24-25.
    (On some study of skew-t distributions)
  17. 19th南區統計研討會, 成功大學, 99.7.6-7. ── Invited
    (Characterizations of distribution based on conditional moments)
  18. 中國統計學社社員大會暨統計研討會, 政治大學, 98.11.28.
    (Characterizations of distributions via moments of truncated random variable)
  19. 17th南區統計研討會, 東華大學, 97.6.27-28.
    (A study of generalized skew-t distribution)
  20. 16th南區統計研討會, 高雄大學, 96.6.22-23.
    (A study of generalized multivariate skew normal distributions)
  21. 15th南區統計研討會, 中正大學, 95.6.24-25.
    (Generalized skew-t distributions)

  1. 東海大學統計學系. 112.3.28.
  2. 逢甲大學統計學系. 111.4.15.
  3. 臺北市立大學數學系(含數據科學與數學教育碩士班). 110.10.28, 109.10.15.
  4. 中央研究院統計科學研究所. 108.9.16, 102.2.18.
  5. 高雄大學統計學研究所. 107.6.6, 102.5.22.
  6. 淡江大學統計學系. 107.1.4.
  7. 臺灣大學統計碩士學位學程. 104.3.10.
  8. 淡江大學數學系. 102.9.24.
  9. 臺北大學統計學系. 101.3.8.
  10. 高雄師範大學數學系. 100.5.17.
  11. 清華大學、交通大學統計所. 100.3.4.
  12. 成功大學統計學系. 100.2.24, 98.3.19.
  13. 彰化師範大學統計資訊研究所. 99.3.25.
  14. 東海大學數學系. 98.4.14.

  1. 臺北大學統計系, 講題「關於LaTeX編輯的一些心得」, 101.10.3.
  2. 新營南光中學「數學學科教師專業成長研習」, 講題「認識統計」, 101.6.7.
  3. 台灣首府大學「簡易資料分析教學工作坊」,  講題「簡易資料分析」, 100.11.21. (該活動為雲嘉南區域教學資源中心計畫,主軸D教學輔助與制度推廣之「專業TA推展計畫」)
  4. 成大「統計教學改進研究計畫」系列活動之一「統計教學種子培訓」, 講題「隨機變數與其分佈 」, 100.5.18.
  5. 新營南光中學「數學專業研習」講師, 講題「數學與統計」, 100.6.15.